A multidisciplinary team of people from different backgrounds, of different ages, and with different training: sports technicians with more than 30 years of experience; users of the shower service who have joined the staff; people with more than 25 years of experience managing nonprofit organizations and citizen participation; people from all walks of the neighbourhood... A diverse team with a shared goal: to work with and for the people who want to form part of the Sant Pau Social Gym project.





A Purpose With Social Return

The Sant Pau Social Gym team wants to use the impact of its actions and the participation of the users of the gym’s spaces and services to make sports activity a tool for social cohesion and transformation.

We see sport as a process of personal empowerment that provides people with equal opportunities. We base ourselves on cooperation, equality in diversity, social integration, health, and always being at the service of the neighbourhood and the community.

We do this organized as a non-profit, self-managed working cooperative connected to the social and solidarity economy.a.


Sport Must Form Part of the Social Economy

We want to be a gold standard for social sports in the country.

We will continue with our pedagogic work based on commitment, healthy habits, and respect for our colleagues, regardless of their social, economic, political, or gender status.

We want to increase our sphere of intervention by potentiating and developing new inclusive sports activities to reach young people, adults, and the elderly, who do not currently take part in the proposed activities.

We will continue to generate safe spaces for everyone, placing special emphasis on attention to women and raising the visibility of women’s sports.

We want to become a gold standard in martial arts, specifically boxing, and to once again place the Raval neighbourhood at the centre of this sport.

We want to facilitate insertion into the labour market for young people by contributing to normalizing administrative situation, facilitating training in sports, etc.




Active Listening 
We are an open and friendly entity that listens to its members and to the neighbourhood in order to design activities and adapt them to its spaces based on the needs we detect. An example of this is the fact that we have a nonbinary changing room adapted to respect the intimacy of those people who need it.   

We like to do things well. We believe in professionalism and excellence at the service of people, but in a natural and non-formal way.  

We are a safe space. Mutual respect, followed by the freedom to be who you want to be, is the basis of the relations inside our facilities, between members, between users, to achieve a society that lives difference as an opportunity and not as a limitation.  

We are diverse because we are in a diverse neighbourhood, the Raval neighbourhood. Our doors are open to everyone, and we work to be an example of our environment.  

Each one of the workers is an essential link in the chain to achieving our goals, as each one brings essential experience and knowledge. This is why we work as a team; we listen to each other, and we make decisions together. But we are also people and so we look after each other.