The Sant Pau Social Gym continues to exist thanks to the effort of many entities, companies, and individuals, whose contributions keep our project alive day by day. 
empreses i particulars que amb les seves aportacions fan que el nostre projecte estigui viu dia a dia!

To all of you, thank you very much!


Collaborate With Us

You can help us out financially and in other ways: contact us

If you want to become part of our project by making a material contribution, send us a message at:

Entities That Collaborate With Our Project

  • Ajuntament de Barcelona
  • Agbar
  • Fundació Roure
  • Fundació Ferrer
  • CAP Raval Nord
  • Supermercats Consum
  • Éric & Bénjamin
  • Grupo Mon Téxtil
  • Grup llumm 
Ajuntament de BarcelonaAGBARSupermercats ConsumCAP raval nord